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                                 Paulo Coelho

            In life sometimes, people are afraid of what they don’t understand. This goes especially for parents when a child is not becoming the person they raised that child to become. This was critical when it came to Paulo Coelho, because his parents had him admitted into a mental asylum. His parents didn’t accept his dream to be a writer, and felt he was rebellious so they used it to help him change his career path. Paulo Coelho is now one of the bestselling authors in the world one book in particular The Alchemist, sold 35 million copies and is the most translated book in over 50 different languages. In addition Mr. Coelho is a novelist from Rio De Jeneiro who didn’t write his first book until he was around 38 years old, and had a spiritual awakening. Despite his parents discouraging him at a young age he went on to have the bestselling book in the world The Alchemist. During his journey in life he bounced around several different careers one which led him to live a hippie life in the 1970s. He wrote songs opposing the military rule in Brazil and was put in jail for political activism. Furthermore he was a man of great quotes, one in particular, “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion, “had a lot of great meaning. Coelho says, “when I write a book I write a book for myself: the reaction is up to the reader.” These quotes and statements suggests he believes that opinions don’t affect his capability in following his dreams.

            In conclusion I think his quotes are accurate taking in consideration he became a successful individual when the main people in his didn’t believe in him. I believe from my experience in life people always will judge and voice opinion on topics they are afraid of or just don’t know anything about. This is a not a debate to indulge in its better just to stay focused and follow your passion and let the critics voice all their opinions because action is always the best teacher in life. I was told I couldn’t go in to business for myself I need to work for somebody for security. Those same people today asked me how to start a lucrative business I had to show by example and not my opinion.



Works Cited Biography.comEditors. N/A, A&E Television Network 29 February 2016<>


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